Cadbury, Kraft And Fairtrade
EDM number 674 in 2009-10, proposed by Mark Lazarowicz on 20/01/2010.
Categorised under the topics of International trade and Service industries.
That this House notes the proposed takeover of Cadbury by the American firm Kraft Foods; further notes Cadbury's commitment to Fairtrade for its flagship Cadbury Dairy Milk brand and other products; further notes the work of the ground-breaking Cadbury Cocoa Partnership that Cadbury established in 2008 with the United Nations Development Programme and the governments, farmers and communities in Ghana, India, Indonesia and the Caribbean; and calls on Kraft, if the takeover is confirmed, to continue and build on Cadbury's commitment to Fairtrade and the Cocoa Partnership.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs.
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