UK Vision Strategy
EDM number 612 in 2009-10, proposed by Kevin Barron on 14/01/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Health services.
That this House notes with concern that over two million people in the UK are at risk of needlessly losing their sight through treatable eye conditions; further notes that 100 people every day start to lose their sight, half of which could have been prevented; recognises that regular eye tests are the simplest way to reduce the number of people who lose their sight unnecessarily; observes that preventing vision loss maintains independence and reduces the financial cost of providing rehabilitation and support to those with serious visual impairment; and therefore calls on the Government to maintain its commitment to ensuring that the eye health of the nation is protected through the implementation of the UK Vision Strategy, which was developed to address the aim of the World Health Assembly VISION 2020 resolution to eradicate avoidable blindness by the year 2020 and to improve support and services for blind and partially-sighted people.
This motion has been signed by a total of 64 MPs.
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