Commission Proposals For Recreational Sea Angling
EDM number 528 in 2008-09, proposed by Bill Wiggin on 21/01/2009.
Categorised under the topics of Fisheries and Sports.
That this House expresses concern over the European Commission's proposals to include recreational sea angling catches within the national quota, introduce a licensing scheme for vessels involved with recreational sea angling and force anglers to register their catches (Article 47 of the Commission's Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy COM(2008) 721 final); believes that these proposals will place an unfair burden on recreational sea anglers and put at risk the £1 billion and more than 20,000 jobs recreational sea angling contributes to the economy; notes that in 2008 the Government ruled out introducing a licence for sea anglers; and calls on the Government to oppose these proposals from the Commission.
This motion has been signed by a total of 41 MPs.
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