EDM number 437 in 2008-09, proposed by Lindsay Hoyle on 13/01/2009.
Categorised under the topics of Financial services and Voluntary organisations.
That this House acknowledges the launch of the Girl Guides' advisory leaflet on money management; notes the leaflet's worthy aims of helping to develop fiscal habits and skills essential for adulthood, such as sensible spending and saving decisions and helping to avoid debt; recognises the important influence that groups such as the Girl Guides have on young people and the new experiences and opportunities they offer; praises their influence on the development of personal values such as self-respect and confidence; further notes that nearly half of women in Britain have been involved in guiding in some point in their lives and that GirlGuiding is the largest youth organisation for girls in the United Kingdom today; and further notes that GirlGuiding UK is in a position to continue to influence girls and young women and is to be commended for using its position most positively.
This motion has been signed by a total of 52 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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