Access To Inhaled Insulin Products For Diabetics
EDM number 42 in 2007-08, proposed by Adrian Sanders on 06/11/2007.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases, Health services and Medicine.
That this House disagrees with the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's technology appraisal document which proposes the restriction of access to inhaled insulin products on the NHS to patients with `a proven injection phobia diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist'; is concerned that diabetes sufferers often delay treatment for as long as four years due to a fear of injections, risking the complications of heart disease, blindness and kidney failure, a situation that will only be compounded by attaching the unfortunate stigma of mental illness to those with a phobia of needles; expresses concern at the additional workload that will be placed on already overstretched NHS psychiatric services; and believes that the judgment of expert clinicians should be trusted in managing each individual patient's condition.
This motion has been signed by a total of 56 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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