Photo Dynamic Therapy
EDM number 2395 in 2007-08, proposed by Norman Lamb on 30/10/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases, Health services, Medicine and Research and innovation.
That this House notes the remarkable work of University College Hospital, London and other UK hospitals in developing photo dynamic therapy for the treatment of a range of cancers and other conditions; further notes that the treatment is much less invasive and less traumatic for the patient compared to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, that evidence points to impressive survival rates and that treatment is highly cost-effective; nevertheless notes that photo dynamic therapy is only available in a very small number of NHS hospitals, and that availability is falling; further notes that the Richards' Cancer Review recommended a systematic review of photo dynamic therapy with a view to promoting and extending the use of the therapy across the NHS; expresses regret that progress on this review appears to be moving very slowly; and calls on the Government to take urgent steps to develop the potential for this therapy in the NHS.
This motion has been signed by a total of 88 MPs.
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