VAT And Charities
EDM number 826 in 2006-07, proposed by Frank Cook on 05/02/2007.
That this House takes careful note of the logic professed by successive governments over the past 25 years to the long-running fiscal sore of irrecoverable VAT and its consequential impact on the work of charities; notes with equal care that the common and oft-recited rebuttal to successive pleas for regulatory change has been to pray in aid the specious justification that `there are something like 250,000 charities and a general exemption for all of those would produce astronomic costs'; further notes with a measure of restrained anger and impatience that some charities such as the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and other search and rescue agencies, staffed as they are by well-trained and highly skilled volunteers, invariably operating in conditions that are by definition extremely hazardous, save lives frequently by the very act of putting their own in mortal danger; and calls upon the Government for this reason if for no other to take this previously neglected aspect into account as a component of a further review of this issue so as to redress the circumstances which can cost the RNLI the loss of their cash as well as their crews.
This motion has been signed by a total of 52 MPs.
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