Introduction Of Smart Metering Systems
EDM number 821 in 2006-07, proposed by David Taylor on 05/02/2007.
That this House welcomes the metering and billing consultation as part of the implementation of the Energy Services Directive being carried out by the Department of Trade and Industry; notes that the use of smart metering systems can begin to engage the homeowner with their potential to reduce their energy bills whilst helping the environment and the security of UK energy supply; further notes that a recent report for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs indicates that direct feedback, via a well-positioned customer interface, can deliver energy savings of between one and 26 per cent; believes that the implementation of the Energy Savings Directive by the Government could provide the baseline for smarter metering with the wider Directive requirements of the time of use meter data and increased accuracy of billing provided by the increased smart functions; and calls on the Government to mandate smart metering with a minimum level of functionality in the Energy White Paper.
This motion has been signed by a total of 71 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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