Channel Four Dispatches Programme
EDM number 646 in 2006-07, proposed by Roger Godsiff on 16/01/2007.
That this House notes with great concern the content of the Channel 4 Dispatches programme broadcast on 15th January, which contained covert filming inside mosques in Birmingham and Derby showing speakers using highly derogatory and racist language against non-Muslims including, specifically, Christians, Jews, homosexuals, lesbians and women; further notes that one prominent speaker in the film called for homosexuals to be murdered; recognises that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the UK do not share these racist and discriminatory views and prefer living in a tolerant, democratic and liberal-minded secular society as exists in the United Kingdom rather than in an Islamic state under Sharia law as was called for in the programme; believes that the West Midlands Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions should initiate investigations into the content of the programme; and asserts that incitement to religious and racial hatred and murder has no place in British society and should neither be excused away as misunderstandings nor tolerated.
This motion has been signed by a total of 41 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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