Action Plan For Global Road Safety
EDM number 2358 in 2005-06, proposed by Richard Burden on 13/06/2006.
That this House warmly welcomes the report of the Commission for Global Road Safety, chaired by Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, and its recognition of road safety as a priority development issue; is appalled by the global epidemic of road injuries which claim the lives of 1.2 million people and injure 50 million annually; notes with concern that roads deaths in low and middle income countries are forecast to rise by 80 per cent. by 2020; welcomes the Commission's proposed 10 year $300 million Action Plan for Global Road Safety; therefore calls on the Government to play a leading role in the World Bank's new Global Road Safety Facility by contributing at least £2 million per annum to support sustainable road safety capacity and programmes in low and middle income countries; further calls on the Government to ensure that all road projects supported by the Department for International Development include a substantial road safety component, including safety auditing and assessment, engineering measures and wider community-based road safety initiatives such as increasing the use of seat belts, child restraints and motorcycle helmets and preventing speeding and drink driving; and strongly urges the Government to support inclusion of global road safety on the agenda of a future G8 Summit.
This motion has been signed by a total of 99 MPs.
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