War Pension Justice For Gillian Campaign
EDM number 1408 in 2005-06, proposed by Richard Benyon on 18/01/2006.
That this House is deeply concerned by the revelation that the late William Norbury was denied his due war disability pension by the Government following the failure of the Kenyan Government to pay it after independence in 1962; recalls with admiration the award of the Military Cross in the field, given to Lt Norbury for the charging of Japanese lines in the course of which he was severely wounded; regrets that he suffered from his resultant disabilities until the end of his life; and accordingly calls on the Government belatedly to re-instate this pension for the benefit of his widow, Gillian, together with an appropriate sum of arrears, so that she no longer has to live in straitened circumstances which bring shame on this country.
This motion has been signed by a total of 177 MPs.
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