World Wildlife Fund Report On Illegal Logging
EDM number 1337 in 2005-06, proposed by James Paice on 10/01/2006.
That this House recognises the problem of illegal logging which costs producer countries as much as 10 to 15 billion euros per year in lost revenue, and causes widespread environmental damage and loss of biodiversity; welcomes the recent World Wildlife Fund report, Failing our Forests, which notes that the EU is responsible for three billion of this lost revenue and that the United Kingdom is the biggest importer of illegal wood within the EU; further notes that the EU Forests Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Action Plan does not prevent illegal timber being imported into the EU through third countries such as China, and excludes timber products such as pulp, paper and furniture; believes that these issues should be addressed by the Commission and by the Government as a matter of urgency; and that the Forestry Stewardship Council mark, which denotes legally logged timber, should be advertised extensively to consumers.
This motion has been signed by a total of 88 MPs.
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