Parliament Website

Naafi Practice At Akrotiri

EDM number 297 in 2004-05, proposed by Frank Cook on 06/12/2004.

That this House pays full tribute to the Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (NAAFI) for its diligent service to the needs of HM Armed Forces, through peace and conflict, on a not for profit basis since its formal establishment in January 1921 until its commercialisation in May 1997, when it was required to meet the welfare needs of British service personnel and their families, at the same time remaining profitable to contribute financially to service welfare funds; notes that NAAFI's declared aims commit the organisation to communicate openly and honestly, involving everyone and earning their trust, letting everyone know and understand that their individual contribution does make a difference and that teamwork is to do with joint achievement, working with colleagues and partners and treating them with respect; registers acute dismay that on the RAF base at Akrotiri, Cyprus, NAAFI should have preselected service families, offering them inducement in the form of cash value vouchers on condition that they support a campaign to introduce Sunday opening, so jeopardising the trading position of local dealers who have given outstanding and loyal service to the base since it was established; and therefore calls upon the Government to instruct NAAFI to conduct properly a plebiscite of all base families without any inducement to vote Yes to establish the true wishes of the serving personnel and their families and that this be done at the earliest date.

This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.

Frank Cook06/12/2004Stockton NorthLabourProposed
Tony Colman06/12/2004PutneyLabourSigned
Terry Lewis07/12/2004WorsleyLabourSigned
Alan Meale07/12/2004MansfieldLabourSigned
Gregory Campbell07/12/2004East LondonderryDUPSigned
Martin Caton07/12/2004GowerLabourSigned
Andrew Dismore07/12/2004HendonLabourSigned
Peter Bottomley07/12/2004Worthing WestConservativeSigned
Richard Younger-Ross07/12/2004TeignbridgeLiberal DemocratSigned
Albert Owen08/12/2004Ynys MLabourSigned
Ann Cryer08/12/2004KeighleyLabourSigned
Mike Hancock08/12/2004Portsmouth SouthLiberal DemocratSigned
Harry Barnes08/12/2004North East DerbyshireLabourSigned
Kevin McNamara09/12/2004Kingston upon Hull NorthLabourSigned
David Drew09/12/2004StroudLabour Co-operativeSigned
Alan Simpson13/12/2004Nottingham SouthLabourSigned
Kelvin Hopkins13/12/2004Luton NorthLabourSigned
Lynne Jones13/12/2004Birmingham, Selly OakLabourSigned
Janet Dean13/12/2004BurtonLabourSigned
Rudi Vis13/12/2004Finchley & Golders GreenLabourSigned
Betty Williams13/12/2004ConwyLabourSigned
Harry Cohen14/12/2004Leyton & WansteadLabourSigned
Roy Beggs14/12/2004East AntrimUUPSigned
Michael Clapham15/12/2004Barnsley West & PenistoneLabourSigned
David Hamilton15/12/2004MidlothianLabourSigned
Eric Illsley16/12/2004Barnsley CentralLabourSigned
Janet Anderson16/12/2004Rossendale & DarwenLabourSigned

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