Safeway Takeover
EDM number 748 in 2002-03, proposed by Colin Breed on 24/02/2003.
That this House notes that if any of the bids from Asda, Morrison, Sainsbury or Tesco to take over the supermarket chain Safeway were successful it would result in a considerable increase in the concentration of market share in grocery retailing; further notes the Competition Commission in 2000 found that some of the practices of the supermarkets resulting from the existing level of concentration are anti-competitive and operate against the public interest; believes that further concentration of power amongst the biggest supermarkets may have significant adverse impacts on consumer choice, local economies, smaller and independent retailers, farmers and other suppliers; and calls on the British Government to intervene by ordering a comprehensive investigation by the Competition Commission into these issues in relation to all the bids including an assessment of impacts at the regional and local level.
This motion has been signed by a total of 36 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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