Impact Of Foot And Mouth Disease
EDM number 603 in 2002-03, proposed by David Lidington on 28/01/2003.
That this House, whilst recognising the difficult circumstances under which Government officials worked during the foot and mouth disease, also wishes to recognise and commend the thousands of rural people who underwent financial and emotional trauma during the epidemic; realises that for many farmers the stock they lost is irreplaceable; notes that areas not directly contaminated with foot and mouth also suffered and watched their animals suffer because of movement restrictions; realises the crippling effect that closing the countryside had on the wider rural economy; wishes to praise the key organisations that helped the countryside last year such as Country Land and Business Association, The NFU, the Rural Stress and Information Network; and supports all those in the countryside who are striving to recover from last year's events.
This motion has been signed by a total of 55 MPs.
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