Use Of British-Built Military Equipment In Aceh
EDM number 1510 in 2002-03, proposed by Ann Clwyd on 02/07/2003.
That this House notes with concern that the Indonesian military has deployed British-built Scorpion tanks and Hawk jetfighters in its continuing offensive against the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in Aceh; further notes that despite repeated assurances given by the Indonesian Government to Her Majesty's Government that such equipment would not be used to violate human rights anywhere in Indonesia, and would not be used offensively or for internal repression, Indonesian military spokesman Colonel Sitya Sudarsono was recently reported as saying that the tanks might be used to 'wipe out' the GAM rebels; urges the Indonesian Government to respect the human rights of the Acehnese people, desist from its military campaign and return to negotiations as the only way of resolving the conflict; and urges the British Government closely to monitor the use of such equipment and continue to make clear the consequences Indonesia will face should previous assurances be reneged upon.
This motion has been signed by a total of 57 MPs.
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