Parliament Website

Gm Crop Contamination;amdt. Line 4:

EDM number 935A1 in 2001-02, proposed by Martyn Jones on 21/03/2002.

leave out from 'believes' to end and add 'that clear, enforceable and workable definitions of the genetically modified content of a batch of seed should be developed to enable producers to meet the requirements of their customers and the end consumer by putting in place appropriate management systems including separation distances based on the results of scientific trials to determine the likelihood of cross-pollination, including the varietal purity trials conducted by the National Institute of Agricultural Botany; and urges the Food Standards Agency in conjunction with the relevant advisory committees to continue with the development of a stringent definition for any batch of seed or product to be classified as GM free.'.

This is a ammendment to 935.

This motion has been signed by a total of 1 MPs.

Martyn Jones21/03/2002Clwyd SouthLabourProposed

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