Cetacean Bycatch And The Western Morning News
EDM number 831 in 2001-02, proposed by Adrian Sanders on 07/02/2002.
That this House congratulates the Western Morning News for highlighting the increasing numbers of dead dolphins and porpoises being washed up on the west country shoreline; notes that marine wildlife and fishing experts believe this to be a consequence of the activities of giant factory ships and pair trawlers that hoover up the seas bounty, capturing dolphins and other sea cetaceans that are unable to escape; further notes that the Cornish drift net fleet has honourably swallowed the bitter pill of a ban on its activities following claims of a much smaller share of cetacean by catch; and calls on Her Majesty's Government to seek an EU wide solution resulting in a ban on all pelagic fisheries which threaten the dolphin and other cetaceans with possible extinction from around our shores.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.
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