Parliament Website

Scottish National Party - Grampian Regional Election Manifesto;amdt. Line 1:

EDM number 561A1 in 1994-95, proposed by Alex Salmond on 09/02/1995.

leave out from `House' to end and add `disapproves of the Labour Party in Scotland for undertaking one of the most blundering attacks yet on the SNP's Warm Up for Winter packages in Tayside and Grampian; notes that Grampian Senior Citizen' Forum congratulated the SNP for overcoming legal obstacles and introducing a better package of fuel poverty measures than the election commitment; notes the confusion in the Labour Party ranks following their decision on Grampian Region to vote with the Tories against the initiative which allows thousands of North East pensioners to save ú20 to ú30; challenges the Labour local government spokesperson in Scotland to guarantee that Labour will never again unite with the Tories in an attempt to halt SNP cold weather initiatives; further challenges the Labour party to declare whether it will be their policy, if elected, to carry on the fuel poverty measures that the SNP has introduced; draws attention to the fact that the old Labour administration in Tayside only spent ú7,000 on fuel poverty compared to the ú500,000 SNP initiative; and asks whether Labour will tell the pensioners of West Lothian, Tayside and Grampian, before the elections, why they would like to take money out of their pockets if they were ever elected to power in any of these areas.'.

This is a ammendment to 561.

This motion has been signed by a total of 1 MPs.

Alex Salmond09/02/1995Banff & BuchanProposed

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