All-Wales Forum;amdt. Line 4:
EDM number 1733A1 in 1992-93, proposed by Martyn Jones on 14/04/1993.
leave out from 'MEPS' to end and add 'but believes that the forum should exclude Welsh representatives on the proposed Committee of the Regions since this Committee will be utterly unrepresentative of the actual political make-up of Wales thanks to the ignominious deal done by the Welsh Nationalists with the present Tory Government to have a seat on this body set aside for the Nationalists alone,regardless of the fact that they have only 8 per cent. of the votes in Wales cast for them; and further recognizes that however good an All-Wales Forum could be in terms of promoting Welsh issues it can never replace a properly elected Welsh Assembly which can only be achieved by gaining a Labour Government in Westminster which is committed to elected regional assemblies for Wales and Scotland and the English regions.'.
This is a ammendment to 1733.
This motion has been signed by a total of 1 MPs.
MP | Date | Constituency | Party | Type |
Martyn Jones | 14/04/1993 | Clwyd South West | Proposed |
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