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British Pregnancy Advisory Service And Virgin Births;amdt. Line 1:

EDM number 594A1 in 1990-91, proposed by Harry Cohen on 21/03/1991.

leave out from 'House' to end and add 'congratulates the British Pregnancy Advisory Service on the important and helpful work it undertakes for women and families; notes with astonishment that those opposing artificial insemination for single women for proclaimed religious reasons do not appear to appreciate the qualitative difference between the virgin birth in the year 0 and those proposed by the BPAS in that artificial insemination was not available in the year 0; and believes that the principal issue is that of individual choice or state interference and prohibition.'.

This is a ammendment to 594.

This motion has been signed by a total of 2 MPs.

Harry Cohen21/03/1991LeytonProposed
Ken Livingstone29/04/1991Brent EastSigned

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