Bridget Phillipson
Total EDMs Signed: 34Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 0
Seconded: 8
Signed: 26
Has represented Houghton and Sunderland South as a Labour MP since 2010.
Recent Activity
- 12/03/2015 Signed EDM 782 Betting, Gaming And Lotteries
- 05/11/2014 Signed EDM 454 Public Service Pensions
- 15/04/2013 Signed EDM 1267 Crossrail Carriages
- 22/05/2012 Signed EDM 116 Celebrating The Blaydon Races
- 24/11/2011 Seconded EDM 2475 Police (S.i., 2011, No. 2744)
- 05/04/2011 Signed EDM 1651 Social Security (S.i., 2011, No. 228)
- 31/03/2011 Signed EDM 1629 Pensions Increase (Review) Order 2011
- 18/01/2011 Signed EDM 1159 Sale Of Auckland Castle And Zurbarn Paintings
- 25/10/2010 Signed EDM 866 Funding For Adult Learning
- 22/10/2010 Signed EDM 791 Freedom From Fear 2010 Campaign

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