David Mellor
Total EDMs Signed: 8Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 0
Seconded: 0
Signed: 8
Represented Putney from 1983 until 1997.
Represented Wandsworth Putney from 1979 until 1983.
Recent Activity
- 11/11/1996 Signed EDM 168 Tommy Lawton
- 24/10/1996 Signed EDM 65 Matthew Harding
- 08/07/1996 Signed EDM 1109 Father Of The House
- 23/01/1996 Signed EDM 332 Honourable Member For Peckham And Labour Party Hypocrisy
- 28/06/1994 Signed EDM 1411 Extradition Of Sally Croft And Susan Hagan
- 06/05/1994 Signed EDM 1178 Kick Racism Out Of Football Campaign
- 18/01/1994 Signed EDM 375 Comparison Between Conservative And Labour Councils
- 12/07/1993 Signed EDM 2303 Proposed Closure Of Radio 5
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