Tim Renton
Total EDMs Signed: 8Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 2
Seconded: 0
Signed: 6
Represented Mid Sussex from 1974 until 1997.
Recent Activity
- 06/03/1997 Signed EDM 621 Bills Relating To The Constitution
- 13/02/1997 Signed EDM 530 Telegraphs (S.i., 1997, No. 290)
- 09/07/1996 Signed EDM 1130 BBC World Service (No. 2)
- 08/07/1996 Signed EDM 1109 Father Of The House
- 05/06/1996 Proposed EDM 953 Reporting Of Politics And Current Affairs
- 14/05/1996 Proposed EDM 887 Conduct Of The Honourable Member For Newcastle East
- 06/11/1995 Signed EDM 1586 Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
- 24/01/1994 Signed EDM 423 Brian Redhead
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