activity during 2010-12
EDMs Signed: 6Signature Breakdown:
- Proposed: 0
- Seconded: 1
- Signed: 5
Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
2634 | High Street Bookmakers And B2 Gaming Machines | 24/01/2012 | Signed | Margaret Hodge | 24/01/2012 |
1402 | State Pension Age For Women | 07/11/2011 | Signed | Teresa Pearce | 03/02/2011 |
2341 | Michael D. Higgins President Of Ireland | 31/10/2011 | Signed | Chris Ruane | 31/10/2011 |
2016 | Energy | 30/06/2011 | Seconded | Edward Miliband | 30/06/2011 |
499 | House Of Commons Office Allocation | 15/07/2010 | Signed | George Mudie | 14/07/2010 |
105 | Anonymity For Defendants In Rape Cases | 08/06/2010 | Signed | Fiona Mactaggart | 26/05/2010 |

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