Number | Title | Signature Date | Signature Type | Proposer | Proposal Date |
1104 | National Health Service (S.I., 2013, No. 257) | 05/03/2013 | Signed | Edward Miliband | 26/02/2013 |
980 | Gender-Neutral Human Papilloma Virus Immunisation Programme | 14/02/2013 | Signed | John Robertson | 28/01/2013 |
622 | Probation Services In England And Wales | 03/12/2012 | Signed | John McDonnell | 23/10/2012 |
69 | Global Food Security | 01/11/2012 | Signed | Penny Mordaunt | 15/05/2012 |
650 | Late Payment To Small- And Medium-Sized Enterprises | 29/10/2012 | Signed | Debbie Abrahams | 29/10/2012 |
46 | Funding For The Thalidomide Victims Pilot Scheme | 03/09/2012 | Signed | Alan Meale | 10/05/2012 |