John Taylor
Total EDMs Signed: 322Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 0
Seconded: 0
Signed: 318
Represented Solihull as a Conservative MP from 1997 until 2005.
Represented Solihull from 1983 until 1997.
Recent Activity
- 06/04/2005 Signed EDM 385 Animal Testing Of Drugs
- 05/04/2005 Signed EDM 107 Lymphoedema
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 945 Programming Of Bills
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 864 Birmingham New Street Station
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 852 Edneth Gotora
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 319 Osteoporosis Services
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 720 Intelligent Energy Manifesto
- 16/03/2005 Signed EDM 650 Development Aid For Oil
- 10/03/2005 Signed EDM 907 House Of Commons Staff
- 09/03/2005 Signed EDM 835 ALZHEIMER'S CARE
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