Christopher Leslie
Total EDMs Signed: 128Signature Breakdown:
Proposed: 7
Seconded: 13
Signed: 108
Has represented Nottingham East as a Labour MP since 2010.
Represented Shipley as a Labour MP from 1997 until 2005.
Recent Activity
- 15/03/2018 Signed EDM 1071 Russia's Poisoning Of Sergei And Yulia Skripal
- 24/10/2016 Seconded EDM 585 Regenerating Nottingham Castle And The Nottinghamshire Visitor Economy
- 12/04/2016 Seconded EDM 1337 Nottingham Forest Football Club Founding Anniversary
- 25/03/2014 Seconded EDM 1226 Public Service Pensions
- 24/03/2014 Seconded EDM 1220 Legal Aid And Advice
- 04/06/2013 Seconded EDM 171 House Of Commons Nursery (No. 2)
- 19/03/2013 Signed EDM 1188 National Health Service (No. 2)
- 15/11/2011 Signed EDM 2365 Pancreatic Cancer UK And Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- 27/04/2011 Signed EDM 1123 Fish Fight Campaign
- 31/03/2011 Signed EDM 1473 Gp Consortia And Representation Of Local Independent Pharmacies
Historic Activity
Session | Proposed | Seconded | Signed | Total |
2017-19 | 1 | 1 | ||
2016-17 | 1 | 1 | ||
2015-16 | 1 | 1 | ||
2013-14 | 3 | 3 | ||
2012-13 | 1 | 1 | ||
2010-12 | 2 | 5 | 33 | 40 |
2001-02 | 1 | 1 | ||
1998-99 | 1 | 4 | 5 | |
1997-98 | 5 | 1 | 69 | 75 |

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