NICE Guidelines On Depression In Adults
EDM number 980 in 2017-19, proposed by Norman Lamb on 26/02/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Health services and Mental health.
That this House expresses grave concern over proposed changes to NICE guidelines on the recognition and management of depression in adults, which could have a profoundly detrimental impact on patient care and access to effective treatments; notes the concerns expressed by several respected clinical leaders and professional bodies that the current draft guideline, published in July 2017, is underpinned by a flawed methodology for establishing whether or not a treatment is effective which is out of step with US and European guideline methodologies; believes that national clinical guidelines on depression should properly reflect the evidence base and the weight of scientific and medical opinion; and calls on NICE to grant a second stakeholder consultation to ensure that the views of clinicians, professional bodies and patient organisations are adequately reflected in the final guidelines.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.

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