CDN College Awards 2017, West College Scotland
EDM number 642 in 2017-19, proposed by Gavin Newlands on 04/12/2017.
Categorised under the topic of Further education.
That this House congratulates West College Scotland on winning the Innovative College Award and the Health Promoting College Award at the prestigious CDN College Awards 2017; acknowledges that the CDN College Awards recognise the talents, skills and achievements of colleges, their staff and learners, and that they showcase the impact the college sector has on students, communities and the wider economy; notes that West College Scotland won the Innovative College Award for developing primary school teachers of the future, and the Health Promoting College Award for the work undertaken around stress and mental health, as well as the introduction of smoke-free campuses; further notes that West College Scotland was also commended in the Digital Education Award category; and wishes the lecturers, support staff and students at West College Scotland every success for the future.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.

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