Availability Of Jobcentre Plus Services For Universal Credit Claimants
EDM number 636 in 2017-19, proposed by Frank Field on 04/12/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Benefits administration, Incomes and poverty and Working age benefits.
That this House notes the limited availability of Jobcentre Plus offices and telephone lines over the Christmas and New Year period; notes also the increased likelihood of people who have recently made a new claim for universal credit needing to seek help from Jobcentre Plus within that period; believes that the limited availability of Jobcentre Plus services within that period puts the welfare of those people at risk and could diminish their ability to afford food, heating and lighting; and calls on the Government to take steps to ensure people are able to seek immediate assistance from Jobcentre Plus at any time within that period, if the need arises.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.

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