Local Bank Branch Closures
EDM number 626 in 2017-19, proposed by Jonathan Edwards on 01/12/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Financial institutions and Financial services.
That this House condemns the decision of the majority state-owned RBS Group to close 259 branches, covering its RBS and NatWest brands; notes that those closures bring the total number of local bank branch closures to over 1,000 since 2015; further notes that such closures are expected to result in 680 job losses; is concerned of the effect that those closures will have on the access to banking services for communities across the UK; notes that vulnerable people and rural communities rely on physical branches to access basic banking services; notes that the Unite Union has accused RBS of decimating the network and betraying communities; notes that such closures highlight the need for a publicly-supported, community-based bank network; calls on the Government to explore the possibility of a Community Reinvestment Bill, which would encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate; and further calls on the Government, as the majority shareholder of RBS Group, to act to reverse those closures and ensure there is necessary access to banking services for all.
This motion has been signed by a total of 32 MPs.

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