Launch Of MV Glen Sannox
EDM number 576 in 2017-19, proposed by Ronnie Cowan on 22/11/2017.
Categorised under the topic of Shipping.
That this House welcomes the launch of Ferguson Marine's new vessel MV Glen Sannox at its yard in Port Glasgow, Inverclyde; notes Glen Sannox and a sister vessel will be the first in the UK to use environmentally-friendly liquefied natural gas and marine gas; further notes the 102-metre ships will cost a total of £97 million, paid for by the Scottish Government through Port Glasgow-based CMAL (Caledonian Marine Assets Ltd), who own the ships and harbours used by CalMac; and acknowledges the efforts of everyone involved and looks forward to further vessel launches on the lower Clyde.
This motion has been signed by a total of 16 MPs.

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