West College Scotland - Carer Positive Employer In Scotland
EDM number 575 in 2017-19, proposed by Ronnie Cowan on 22/11/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Community care, Employment, Further education and Higher education.
That this House congratulates West College Scotland on being officially awarded Carer Positive Employer in Scotland status in recognition of the support the College provides to staff caring for a loved one; notes that the Carer Positive award is a Scottish Government-funded initiative which has been developed with the support of a strong partnership of private, public and voluntary sector employers in Scotland; further notes that West College Scotland employs 1,300 people across its Clydebank, Greenock and Paisley campuses, the equivalent of one per cent of total regional employment; and calls on employers in the West of Scotland region, across Scotland and throughout the UK to take steps to become Carer Positive employers.
This motion has been signed by a total of 17 MPs.

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