Coisir Ghaidhlig An Obain-Oban Gaelic Choir
EDM number 557 in 2017-19, proposed by Brendan O'Hara on 20/11/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Cultural heritage and Performing arts.
That this House acknowledges the significant contribution made by the Coisir Ghaidhlig an Obain, the Oban Gaelic Choir, in promoting and preserving the Gaelic language through song and poetry for well over a century; appreciates the hugely important role played in recent years by the current director and conductor, Sileas Sinclair in maintaining the Coisir Ghaidhlig an Obain as one of Scotland's premier Gaelic choirs; congratulates the choir on securing second place in the prestigious Lovat and Tullibardine Shield at the Royal National Mod, held in Fort William in October 2017; wishes it well with the launch of its new project, Storas, a collection of Gaelic songs and poems from across Argyll, which as well as the choir, will feature many of Argyll's finest musicians, including Angus MacColl, Finlay Wells, Lorne MacDougall and Archie MacAllister; and recognises and thanks the Coisir Ghaidhlig an Obain for the contribution it has made in keeping the Gaelic language alive and relevant for the current and future generations.
This motion has been signed by a total of 13 MPs.

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