Marriage Equality In Australia
EDM number 540 in 2017-19, proposed by Lloyd Russell-Moyle on 14/11/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Australasia, Equality and Marriage.
That this House welcomes the result of the Australian marriage equality survey which had a resounding result for the yes campaign with 61.6 per cent in favour; notes that the turnout for the survey was 79.5 per cent, higher than that of the 2017 general election or EU referendum turnout; further notes that this means an overwhelming majority of the Australian people now want their Government to make marriage equality legal in their country; calls on the UK Government to work with other nations around the world to end all forms of discrimination against LGBT+ people; and congratulates Australian marriage equality campaigners for their many hard years of work.
This motion has been signed by a total of 49 MPs.

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