Breast Cancer In Gaza
EDM number 458 in 2017-19, proposed by Alistair Carmichael on 25/10/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases, Health services and Middle East.
That this House is deeply concerned about the crisis facing Palestinian women with breast cancer, particularly those living in Gaza; notes that restrictions on freedom of movement imposed by Israel prevent many from reaching essential treatment, such as radiotherapy, elsewhere in the occupied Palestinian territory; expresses deep concern over reports of multiple deaths in 2017 of breast cancer and other patients awaiting permits to exit Gaza for treatment; further notes that shortages of essential medicines and electricity amid restrictions on the exit of Palestinian medical staff for training severely impact on the quality of treatment available inside Gaza; expresses further concern that the closure of Gaza which the International Committee of the Red Cross termed a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of lsrael's obligations under international humanitarian law has continued for 10 years; and calls on the Government to use its multilateral and bilateral relations with Israel to press for an end to the illegal closure of Gaza and for the humanitarian needs of its population to be met.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.

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