Mary's Meals One Billionth Meal Served
EDM number 403 in 2017-19, proposed by Brendan O'Hara on 16/10/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Charities, Food and International development.
That this House congratulates Mary's Meals, the Argyll-based charity dedicated to feeding some of the world's poorest children on serving its one billionth meal earlier this month; notes that the dish of vegetable curry and rice was served to a 12-year old Indian child, Mohsin, at the Sangam Vihar Informal Education Centre in Noida; acknowledges the phenomenal growth in Mary's Meals since it served its first meal to a child in Malawi in 2002 to today, when more than 1,200,000 children in 14 countries are fed every day at school; recognises the outstanding contribution made by Mr Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, the founder of Mary's Meals, and his team to alleviating child hunger and improving the life chances for children in some of the poorest countries in the world; and wishes Mary's Meals every success in the future.
This motion has been signed by a total of 16 MPs.

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