Employment Rights At Mcdonald's Restaurant Outlets
EDM number 283 in 2017-19, proposed by Daniel Zeichner on 06/09/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Companies, Industrial relations, Pay and Service industries.
That this House notes that the global food restaurant chain McDonaldâs is a hugely profitable multinational corporation and a major employer in the UK; further notes that currently many of its staff are paid below the rate recommended by the Living Wage Commission as the minimum necessary to enable a decent standard of living; regrets that the company's promise to allow workers the opportunity to move off zero-hours contracts of employment has thus far yet to be delivered; further regrets that the company has no trade union recognition agreement in place in the UK; recognises where such recognition agreement exists, such as Denmark or New Zealand, the company remains commercially viable while extending significantly better terms and conditions to staff than exist in the UK; supports the rights of Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union members in Cambridge and Crayford to take industrial action over complaints about the companyâs internal grievance procedures in respect of bullying and harassment by managers; and believes that McDonaldâs should seek to extend improved pay and rights to all its staff and drop its opposition to trade union negotiations.
This motion has been signed by a total of 60 MPs.

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