Birth Trauma Awareness Week
EDM number 253 in 2017-19, proposed by Patricia Gibson on 05/09/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Health education and preventive medicine and Health services.
That this House appreciates the valuable work of the Birth Trauma Association in raising awareness of birth trauma and associated issues; notes that up to 20,000 women every year experience a traumatic birth experience, which can have a long-term impact on their physical and mental wellbeing; acknowledges the impact which traumatic births can have on the ability of women to bond with their babies and on their relationships with family and friends; further notes that partners can also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of witnessing a traumatic birth; understands that many women and their partners who have experienced birth trauma are left feeling isolated and unable to talk about what they have experienced; and applauds all those working hard, especially during Birth Trauma Awareness Week, which ran from 14 to 21 August 2017, to raise awareness of this issue more widely, to provide practical and emotional support and to encourage society to be more open to discussing birth trauma with a view to improving outcomes for all.
This motion has been signed by a total of 17 MPs.

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