Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons
EDM number 225 in 2017-19, proposed by Caroline Lucas on 19/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Arms control and United Nations.
That this House notes that on 7 July 2017 the United Nations concluded a legally-binding Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons with the object of leading to the total elimination of nuclear weapons; welcomes the fact that the treaty was adopted by 122 states with just one vote against and one abstention; believes that the treaty will be a significant and positive step towards achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; recalls that during a debate on Government plans for replacement of the UK's nuclear weapons system the Secretary of State for Defence said that this Government share the vision of a world that is without nuclear weapons, achieved through multilateral disarmament; is disappointed that the Government did not participate in the UN negotiations; further notes that the treaty will be opened for signature at the United Nations on 20 September 2017; and calls on the Government to develop and publish an appropriate transition plan so that the UK is prepared and ready to sign and ratify the treaty at the first opportunity.
This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.

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