Reprisals Of Female Political Prisoners And Victims Of Torture And Sexual Abuse In Bahrain
EDM number 1872 in 2017-19, proposed by Chris Law on 22/11/2018.
That this House condemns the Bahraini authorities' torture, sexual assault, ill-treatment and unfair trials of women targeted for politically-motivated charges; deplores the assault of Hajer Mansoor, Medina Ali and Najah Yusuf in September 2018, led by the head of Bahrain's Isa Town Women's Detention Centre, Major Mariam Albardoli; highlights that the incident occurred soon after the cases of the three women were raised by this Parliament and the UN; voices discontent for their repeated denial of religious participation; condemns the increasing restrictions on family visits, telephone calls and allocated time outside the cell imposed on all inmates since the assault, which are in contravention of the UN standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners; expresses serious concern for the pattern of reprisals adopted by the prison authorities to retaliate against political prisoners who expose their abuse; further expresses dismay that Ms Mansoor, Ms Ali and Ms Yusuf felt compelled to launch a hunger strike, which they ended due to a critical deterioration in their health; asserts that reprisals against Ms Mansoor also occurred in July 2018 following international criticism over her case; emphasises the UN Secretary-General’s concerns for the ongoing trend of harassment and intimidation of Bahrain's civil society who cooperate with the UN; condemns the Bahraini oversight bodies that have received UK-funded training for their systematic cover-up of abuses occurring in Isa Town Prison; urges the Government to sanction those responsible, including Major Albardoli; and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.

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