Human Rights, Learning Disabilities And Autism
EDM number 1809 in 2017-19, proposed by Norman Lamb on 06/11/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Human rights and Special educational needs.
That this House expresses deep concern at the long-term detention of large numbers of people with learning disabilities and autism in assessment and treatment units and other inpatient facilities; notes that people who are trapped in institutional care often suffer routine breaches of their human rights, including regular seclusion, the endemic use of force and the intolerable practice of keeping people locked up when there is no need to do so; believes that the vast majority of people with learning disabilities and autism should be able to live supported lives in the community; welcomes recent investigations into outrageous profiteering at the taxpayer's expense by institutions providing inappropriate models of care; further welcomes the launch of a Care Quality Commission review into the inappropriate use of prolonged seclusion and segregation, and calls for this review to also include the endemic use of force in many institutions; urges the Government to act promptly to end profiteering by providers that offer inappropriate institutional care that fails to promote people's wellbeing, independence and human rights; and calls on the Government to commit to proper investment in community provision and workforce training.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.

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