Crown Post Office Closure And Privatisation
EDM number 1751 in 2017-19, proposed by Jo Stevens on 25/10/2018.
That this House is deeply concerned by the recent announcement that 74 Crown post offices will be closed and franchised to WHSmith, which will mean a total loss of 60 per cent of Crown offices since 2013; notes the use of public funds to finance the closure and franchise programme despite the fact that the public has never endorsed the closures, and has only ever protested against such closures; further notes that in 2014-15, £13 million of public funds was used to pay compensation to reduce the number of post office staff and that the Communication Workers Union (CWU) estimates the staff compensation cost of the latest privatisation will be at least £30 million, with 800 jobs now at risk; recognises that research by Consumer Focus in 2012 and Citizens Advice in 2016 shows that WHSmith franchises result in longer queuing times, inferior service and advice and poor disabled access; questions the privatisation of profit-making Crown offices and handing them to a retailer which is closing stores and relies on a business model of low pay and part-time employment; notes that this round of privatisation will also see the loss of prime high street Crown office stores and that this will contribute to the demise of town centres; and urges the Government to stop this wasteful and unpopular franchising programme and to work with stakeholders, including the CWU, to develop a new strategy that safeguards the future of the post office.
This motion has been signed by a total of 36 MPs.

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