International Convention On The Protection Of Journalists And Media Professionals
EDM number 1747 in 2017-19, proposed by Liz Saville Roberts on 23/10/2018.
That this House is shocked and appalled by reports of the brutal murder of Turkish journalist Jamal Khashoggi following his visit to the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul; notes that the killing of journalists is a global problem, with an average of two such deaths every week; further notes that UNESCO has reported that just one in 10 killings of journalists results in a successful prosecution; asserts that there is an unacceptable international climate of impunity that continues to have a detrimental impact on the safety of media workers, public interest journalism and the freedom of the press; calls on the Government to use its influence to seek out the truth about the killing of Jamal Khashoggi; and asks the Government to provide its full support for the draft UN Convention on the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals proposed by the International Federation of Journalists and endorsed by the National Union of Journalists.
This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs.

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