There But Not There
EDM number 1740 in 2017-19, proposed by Ruth Smeeth on 23/10/2018.
That this House recognises the extraordinary work of There But Not There, an art installation project which commemorates the fallen heroes of the First World War; notes that the project has raised £4 million for six military charities; further notes that £800,000 of the funds raised will be paid as tax to HM Revenue and Customs; recalls that four years ago the Government refunded a sum of £1.1 million to compensate for VAT paid on the sale of commemorative poppies from the Tower of London to support services charities; and calls on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to follow that previous example and refund VAT on all funds raised by There But Not There for the benefit of charities supporting UK veterans and serving armed forces and their families.
This motion has been signed by a total of 61 MPs.

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