Fair Tips Consultation
EDM number 164 in 2017-19, proposed by Grahame Morris on 11/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Employment, Incomes and poverty, Pay and Service industries.
That this House notes the lack of publication of the Government's findings following its fair tips consultation which closed in July 2016; urges the Government to share its recommendations; demands that the report following the consultation is published as soon as possible in order to give some assurances to workers in the hospitality sector; acknowledges the need for fair tipping practices as industry self-regulation has failed; recognises Unite the Union's campaign to scrap the administration fee from tips processed on cards which lead to some of the country's biggest high street chains such as Pizza Express and Zizzi dropping the fee; further urges other restaurants to follow suit; condemns employers who withhold, deduct or demand the return of tips from their employees; and encourages the Government to act to ensure that staff have 100 per cent ownership of their hard-earned tips.
This motion has been signed by a total of 32 MPs.

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