Grand Opening Of Mackintosh At The Willow
EDM number 1618 in 2017-19, proposed by Alison Thewliss on 12/09/2018.
Categorised under the topic of Cultural heritage.
That this House congratulates the Willow Tea Rooms Trust on the grand opening of Mackintosh at the Willow on 7 September in the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay; commends Celia Sinclair on her vision and efforts to save the Tea Rooms, restore them to their former glory and give them a sustainable future; notes the hard work and attention to detail in restoring Miss Cranston's tea rooms to Charles Rennie Mackintosh's 1903 designs; appreciates the involvement of the Princes Trust in training 15 young people to work in the tea rooms; appreciates that the tea rooms are a social enterprise and will also provide an exhibition area; further notes this opening is in the celebration year of 150 years since the birth of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and is part of a year of events; and wishes all involved with the Willow Tea Rooms Trust the very best for the future.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.

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