Environmental Charity Fidra
EDM number 1615 in 2017-19, proposed by Douglas Chapman on 11/09/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Charities and Environmental protection.
That this House welcomes and supports the environmental charity Fidra and its vision of a sustainable society; congratulates Fidra on its work in tackling single use plastics highlighted by its successful campaign to end the manufacture and sale of plastic cotton buds in the UK; recognises Fidra's pragmatic and proportionate responses to environmental issues identified and understood through best available science; supports Fidra's delivery of high impact projects which include preventing plastic pollution from pre-production plastic pellets (nurdles), cotton buds and artificial turf, achieving transparency and traceability in Scottish salmon farming, and ending unnecessary use of chemicals of environmental concern such PFASs (per or poly fluorinated alkyl substances); notes Fidra achieves targeted and effective solutions through inclusive and collaborative dialogue with the public, industry and governments; and urges this Government to take robust measures to implement the waste hierarchy (reduce, re-use, recycle), a precautionary approach to potentially hazardous substances, and the polluter pays principle.
This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.

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