Delay To Armed Forces Pay Increase
EDM number 1613 in 2017-19, proposed by Douglas Chapman on 11/09/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Armed forces and Pay.
That this House notes with concern that UK armed forces personnel are being forced to wait for their full pay increase to be implemented due to a glitch with the Ministry of Defence payroll system; understands that the MoD agreed to implement the 2.9 per cent pay increase, as recommended by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body to address low morale and recruitment issues, in two parts, with 0.9 per cent as a one-off bonus, but that their payroll system has been unable to deliver this; believes that military personnel should not have to wait any longer for the financial reward they are entitled to and deserve; notes that the lowest paid armed forces service men and women resident in Scotland pay less income tax than their counterparts in England due to the Scottish Government's fairer and more progressive income tax policy; further notes that military personnel and their family members living in Scotland are able to take advantage of other benefits such as free prescriptions, free university tuition and lower Council Tax bills, helping to reduce the cost of living; calls upon the UK Government to introduce measures to compensate lower paid personnel who are now paying more tax than their Scottish-based counterparts while respecting the devolution settlement in Scotland; and urges the Government to resolve the technical issues surrounding the implementation of the agreed armed forces pay rise as speedily as possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.

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